DashBoard FX instantly delivers buy/sell signals generated by our cutting-edge proprietary trading system, which analyzes the market 24 hours a day for profitable trading opportunities. Using a combination of short-term, medium-term and long-term strategies, the system automatically adapts to trending and rangebound market conditons. Users can easily see monthly, weekly, daily and hourly trends as well as strength, volatility and the recent trading range of each pair. This is especially helpful for formulating your own analysis to base your trades on. This unique and innovative user interface makes complex analysis a breeze. The charting interface is designed to be intuitive and easy-to-use, featuring one click access to historical price data for more than ten years! Switching between different time-frames is painless with single-click buttons layout out on the easily accessible toolbar.DashBoard FX features a built-in RSS reader which instantly fetches the latest news from various sources provided. It can also be customized by adding your own choice of news feeds. This is especially helpful for news traders looking to take advantage of fundamental forces affecting the markets. In addition to visual and audio notifications on the screen, subscribers can choose to receive forex signal alerts via Email, Text Message (SMS) to their mobile phone, and Instant Messenger (AIM, ICQ, MSN, Yahoo). This service is available free of charge to all subscribers around the world. Signals & Analytics for 3 Trading Styles - Day Trader, Swing Trader and Position Trader. Market Status Panel - Displays the opening and closing time of the major global currency markets in subscribers local time. Price Alerts - Setup custom alerts to be notified about when a currency is trading above or below a trigger price. World Clocks - Customizable international clocks make life easy when dealing with different time zones in this global market.